The Faculty Ombudsperon Office is designated as a neutral resource. The Faculty Ombudsperson will consider the legitimate interests and concerns of all involved parties and strive for impartiality in the treatment of people and consideration of issues. The Faculty Ombudsperson will not take sides in any conflict or issue and will not advocate for or represent faculty members, the University, or other involved parties. Instead, the Faculty Ombudsperson will work toward just and equitable resolution of concerns presented and emphasize and promote fairness, procedural justice, and respect for all members of the University community.
The Faculty Ombudsperson will not be assigned to roles within the University that might compromise her/his neutrality, such as those requiring faculty evaluation or formal investigation. The Faculty Ombudsperson Office will not be affiliated with any compliance function of the University. The Faculty Ombudsperson will take necessary steps to avoid involvement in matters that present real or perceived conflicts of interest, which may arise from personal interests that could interfere with the neutrality of the Faculty Ombudsperson Office. The Faculty Ombudsperson will avoid or withdraw from a matter when a conflict of interest arises.